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Video: Why Do Customers ENGAGE and CHANGE?
Why Do Customers Get Results?
Video: Why Do Customers Get Results?
New Research Proves Customer Happiness Doesn't Pay
Why Do Customers Leave?
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Clayton Christensen: Results Drive Retention
Do Happy Customers Stay?
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CS100 Summit 2019: Greg Daines - The 3 Toxic Excuses of Customer Success
CS100 Summit 2017: Greg Daines - Surprising Ideas, Deadly Fallacies of Customer Success
CS100 Summit 2018: One Question that Will Transform Your Customer Success Strategy
The Cardinal Sin of Customer Success Is Not Churn. It’s Unexpected Churn!
You Can’t Solve Churn When You Are Asking The Wrong Questions
The Secret to Seamless Customer Handoffs
The 3 Deadly Fallacies of SaaS Customer Success
5 Surprisingly Simple Practices of Stellar Customer Success
5 Counter-Intuitive Principles of SaaS Customer Success