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It's not enough to deliver value every day
Does customer adoption lead to customer results, or is it the other way around?
Expert Chats: Selina Eizik - How To Tackle Churn as a New Customer Success Owner
The REAL Sales Conversation
Just say NO when customers ask you to do this...
Sell Results NOT Features
Your ideal customer is whoever you can make the most money.
Why does "LAND AND EXPAND” usually turn out more like “LINGER AND EXIT"?
What about the Customer Satisfaction Paradox?
Can you "touch" customers too much?
Can you really "Rescue" customers?
“Customer bonding is the driving force in strategy.” - Arnaldo Hax
The Powerful Alternative to Churn Rate (4/4)
Churn Rates Lie (3/4)
Churn Rates Are Distorted (2/4)
Churn Rate Is A Useless Metric (1/4)
Drift: 7 Customer Success Secrets from “The Churn Whisperer” Greg Daines
Churn Is The Truth
Churn is the speed limit of growth