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Nov 2, 2022
It's not enough to deliver value every day
New research proves that even if you consistently drive measurable value, you'll still likely lose the customer. Why? Because, customer...

Nov 1, 2022
Does customer adoption lead to customer results, or is it the other way around?
Obviously customers won't get results unless they make use of the new solution. But that just begs another question: Why don't all...

Oct 27, 2022
Expert Chats: Selina Eizik - How To Tackle Churn as a New Customer Success Owner
Listen and learn from two leading experts in customer churn: Greg Daines, and Selina Eizik! Don't miss this conversation which is packed...

Oct 24, 2022
The REAL Sales Conversation
Most salespeople misunderstand what conversation they are having with prospects, and this impacts both sales success and churn. How? Most...

Oct 19, 2022
Just say NO when customers ask you to do this...
You can't get better results unless you change your behavior. The same applies to customers. Their results won't improve as long as they...

Oct 17, 2022
Sell Results NOT Features
One of the biggest sources of customer churn is selling features rather than results. Most of the customers who buy because of features...

Oct 13, 2022
Your ideal customer is whoever you can make the most money.
Measurable results drive customer retention. The more measured results achieved, the longer customers stay. That’s why bad customer “fit”...

Oct 4, 2022
Why does "LAND AND EXPAND” usually turn out more like “LINGER AND EXIT"?
The problem isn’t the idea: expansion is absolutely CRITICAL to success → • Customers won’t stay long-term unless their results are...

Sep 30, 2022
What about the Customer Satisfaction Paradox?
If customer satisfaction has nothing to do with retention, then why do companies with high satisfaction tend to have high retention? Past...

Sep 23, 2022
Can you "touch" customers too much?
The fundamental idea behind a customer success “touch cadence” is based on the myth that merely talking to customers improves retention....

Sep 21, 2022
Can you really "Rescue" customers?
There’s nothing like the feeling you get when you’ve brought a customer back from the brink of cancellation. You’re a hero and your value...

Sep 21, 2022
“Customer bonding is the driving force in strategy.” - Arnaldo Hax
This statement from the legendary MIT business professor Arnoldo Hax totally changed how I think about everything I do in business. He...

Sep 12, 2022
The Powerful Alternative to Churn Rate (4/4)
In this final post on customer churn rates I reveal the simple yet powerful way to measure and understand customer churn...

Sep 9, 2022
Churn Rates Lie (3/4)
The biggest problem with churn rates is that relying on them can MAKE CHURN WORSE by hiding the the truth about your churn.

Sep 7, 2022
Churn Rates Are Distorted (2/4)
Churn rates are invariably distorted and any attempt to act on these distorted metrics will be literally misguided.

Sep 6, 2022
Churn Rate Is A Useless Metric (1/4)
In this short series, I'll explain why focusing on the customer churn rate makes it harder to solve churn, and show you a better way to oper

Sep 1, 2022
Drift: 7 Customer Success Secrets from “The Churn Whisperer” Greg Daines
The Churn Whisperer, Greg Daines has made a career out of taking the traditional customer success playbook and throwing it out the...

Sep 1, 2022
Churn Is The Truth
No matter what you believe about your business... • what you think you do and how well you think you do it, • who you think your ideal...

Aug 30, 2022
Churn is the speed limit of growth
Churn matters because the business can't grow when too many customers are leaving. It's that simple.
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